hi. my name's rebecca. sometimes students want very muchto learn advanced vocabulary, but in the process, they forget about learningsome basic everyday vocabulary, which you also need to describe everyday life. so in today'slesson, we'll focus on the verbs you need to describe some commonactivities around the home, and you're going to helpme with this. okay? so, when you get out of bed, whatdo you need to do to the bed if you want your room to look nice?you need to "make the bed". okay? that'sthe correct expression.
what about the dishes? after you've eaten, youhave a big mess in the kitchen, and you say: "i need to"? "do the dishes" is the mostcommon expression. okay? now, of course, with the dishes, you coulddo some other things. you could say: "i need to wash thedishes." but usually, "do the dishes" means that. you could sayyou need to dry the dishes, but this is the most common expression. okay? if you're lucky enough to not have to do thedishes by hand and you have a dishwasher, then what's the verb for what you do to putthe dishes inside? do you know the verb?
i need to "load the dishwasher". okay? or "unload thedishwasher" or "empty the dishwasher". okay? but when you're putting the dishes inside,you say: "i need to load the dishwasher." next, okay, you've prepared thefood and it's... you're going to... you need to now make the table look very nice, put theplates, and the glasses, and the cutlery, so you need to do what to thetable before you eat? you need to "set the table".okay? that's the correct expression. now, after you'vefinished eating and you need to take all of the dirty dishes back to the kitchen, so youneed to do what to the table? you need to
"clear the table". okay?that's after you eat. next, for the carpet. what's the verbyou can use to say that you need to say "clean the carpet"? we don't really say"clean the carpet", we usually say to...? it starts with "v", "vacuum the carpet".okay? next... it could be also "the carpet"or "the rug". all right? next: "the clothes", so what doyou need to do to the clothes? well, with clothes, you could do a numberof different things. you could say: "i need to wash the clothes.",
"i need to iron theclothes." for example. "i need to fold theclothes." all right? next: you haven't cleaned the furniture ina long time and there's something on top, and if you put your finger, you can write init. so what do you need to do? you need to "dust the furniture", because there'sdust on it, but we need to... the expression we use, the verb weuse is "to dust" the furniture. next: how do you clean the floor? whatverb can you use to describe that? so, you could say: "i need to sweep the floor with a broom."sweep the floor, and if you're cleaning the
floor with something wet,then we say: "i need to mop the floor." okay? that's if it's wet;this is if it's dry. next: which verb do you use todescribe the laundry? okay? which one? "i need to do thelaundry." good. what about the trash? okay? "i need to..." you could say: "i needto empty the trash.", "i need to take out the trash." all right?depends on the situation.
now, if you go a little bit outside your houseand you have a lawn, which means the green grass outside your house...so, what's the verb for that? to... sort of to cut the grass? we don't usually say "to cut the grass".we say to "mow", m-o-w, "to mow the lawn".okay? and, in general, all of thisdescribed what? what were you doing? "i need to clean the house". okay? i need to... another verb wesometimes use, not as much at all,
but we use it: "to tidy". "to tidy up" means to clean up, butit's when it's not very messy. "to clean" usually means the wholebit; everything. all right? so, sometimes knowing these basic words canalso help you make breakthroughs in english. english is about little words, andadvanced words, and beginner words, and it's a whole mix of things. so if you subscribe to my channel,every day, watch a little bit - you will definitelyimprove your english. i've helped thousands of students inclassrooms and online, and i can help you.
okay? so watch our youtubechannel, and also on engvid. you can go to www.engvid.com, and you can do aquiz on this and many other english topics. thanks very much for watching.good luck with your english.
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