uh, hello? hey, you! are you there? oh, well if you're hearing this then welcome to freddy fazbear's pizza. a magical place for kids and grown ups alike. before we continue i'm obligated by contract to inform you that fazzbear entertainment is not liable for any face melting, flesh eating, intestine ripping or other bodily and grevious harm that can occur to you on the job site should you not take proper safety precautions. yeah, sorry. this is all stuff we've had to make mandatory since the bite of '87. still creeps me out that people can life without half their faces. especially children! bonnie, i have a question for you... are you a boy or a girl?
so, uh, here's the deal. those animitronics have to be left on at night, or their servos will lock up and they won't work in the morning. bummer, i know, but they're old as dirt. here's the real problem. they tend to get confused over what is and isn't an animitronic. and well, they tend to think that humans are endoskeletons in need of a suit. so, if they find you, they'll probably stuff you in one. sounds fine, right? gotta spend the night in a fluffy bear costume? except, yeah, sorry, the fluffy bear suit has rotary gears and sharp edged knives in it. so wearing it? not a good idea. the good news is that most of them are actually camera shy. if you keep your eye on them, they'll be sure to leave you alone...there's one exception to that though. one of the characters, foxy the pirate, he's actually in love with the camera.
he'll try and eat your face if you're not watching him. but hey, this is all simple stuff, right? just hide in the surviellence room like a dog with your tail between your legs and lock the doors whenever they get close, and they won't find you. just remember that you only have a limited amount of power. wiring in this place is also old as dirt. you make it through the night, you live to see another paycheck, i get a promotion, and no one gets sued. everybody wins! have fun and enjoy your first day on the job! i'll contact you later! toodles~!
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